Easier order delivery thanks to the

Pickup display

In Elementary POS, you don’t need any expensive equipment. You can turn any Android TV or tablet into a pickup display. The pickup display is a great tool for all entrepreneurs who want to keep their operations under control and make it easier for customers to pick up their orders. This display shows the customer when their order is ready, meaning they no longer have to stand in line and wait. As soon as they see on the display that their order is ready, they can pick it up.

4.8 rating on Google Play

How does the pickup display work in Elementary POS?

Neustále rozšiřujeme Elementary POS a přinášíme vám nové funkce a drobná vylepšení, aby se vám s aplikací pracovalo stále lépe. Podívejte se na tato nedávná vylepšení.

Order preparation

New orders are displayed in real time on the order display in the kitchen, at the bar, or wherever it is convenient for you. In the app, you can set which item categories are for the bar and which are for the kitchen. When the customer creates an order, the items are displayed on the relevant order display (e.g., food in the kitchen and drinks at the bar).

How to set up the pickup display?

How to set up the pickup display? Setting up the pickup display is really simple. Follow the steps below and you'll be set up in minutes.

Did you know that you can use this feature for an unlimited number of devices in the PREMIUM and BUSINESS plans?

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