Keep Your Business Under Control

Stock System and Inventory

The Stock System and Inventory Management tool allows you to keep track of your stock. Whether you run a small shop, a bistro, or a larger establishment, you will always know how much resources you have and what needs to be replenished. This feature enables you to monitor your stock levels accurately and easily determine what needs to be ordered. With this system in place, you no longer have to worry about unexpected shortages!

4.8 rating on Google Play

Features of the Stock System

The Elementary POS system also includes a warehouse and inventory system. You will always have an overview of all the goods and stock you have in your warehouse. This will allow you to keep track of exactly what you have in stock and easily find out what you need to order.

User-Friendly Stock Management

Clear and easy-to-use stock management that saves you time and reduces stress.

Mass Adjustments of Stock and Sales Items

This feature simplifies your stock management tasks. The system allows for easy mass updates of sales and stock items using an Excel spreadsheet. Simply export the inventory table from the system, make the necessary adjustments, and import the table back (be careful not to change the column names!).

Recipes and Item Combinations

Elementary POS lets you create recipes and item combinations, which is especially useful if you sell multi-ingredient dishes or packages. For example, you can sell small (0.33L) or large (0.5L) beers from a 100L beer barrel. With each sale, the system deducts a proportional amount from the warehouse, so you always know how much beer is left.

Low Inventory Monitor

Set stock level thresholds, and when they are reached, the system will automatically notify you to reorder. This way, you’ll always have an overview of your ingredients and know when to replenish your supplies.


Conduct regular inventories to ensure that the warehouse stock matches reality. This helps maintain accurate inventory records. You can perform a complete inventory or a partial one for a specific section of the warehouse. Inventory history is also recorded.

Stocking with a Barcode Scanner

Quickly load goods to inventory via the mobile application. If you use barcode scanners, it will save you even more time. Did you know you can also use your mobile phone as a scanner?

Advanced Statistics

Use reports and analytics to gain insights into your warehouse operations. Discover which items are selling best, what your margins are, and what’s not worth keeping in stock. Elementary POS calculates your gross profit per stock item.

Remote Administration

No matter where you are in the world, you can easily access not only stock management but also other features via the web Back Office interface.

Records of Suppliers

Register your suppliers in one place, keeping all your contacts organized.

Detecting Suspicious Employee Behavior Using AI

If you have employees, you’ll appreciate this feature. Elementary POS uses artificial intelligence to detect suspicious behavior when using the app, automatically notifying you of any suspicious activity.

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