We listen to the wishes of our users, that is why we can introduce a brand new feature of Elementary POS which will be appreciated by anyone who has a restaurant, a bar or a food stand: a kitchen display!
The kitchen display (or order display) is a new tool that simplifies the communication between waiters and your kitchen staff. It can also significantly speed up the process of receiving and completing orders. Just like the Elementary POS cash register, also the order display can be operated on any Android device.
(However, for maximum comfort, we recommend running it on a tablet rather than a mobile phone.)
The kitchen display can be accessed easily by tapping the main menu on the top left side while on the homepage of Elementary POS. To enter it, you need to tap on the View Orders option.
How does the kitchen display work?
One kitchen display can be connected to all your waiters and they can all send orders to it at the same time. The orders are coming in the form of tickets which are automatically numbered from 0 to 99. After that, the numbering resets to 0.
The order ticket will automatically appear on the order display as soon as it is entered by the waiter.
Every waiter can have individual, custom settings on their cash register device.
What information is on the order ticket?
It contains the following:
- The name of the waiter (username),
- number of the table,
- the name and quantity of the sales item
Some optional tweaks:
- Sound on for new orders (if you prefer, you can choose to turn on a sound signal to alert you of an incoming order)
- Distinguish orders for the bar and for the kitchen by color (you can then filter the orders by color, if you have both a bar and a kitchen)
- “Better printing” (By enabling this option, your tickets will be printed in a larger font and format. However, it is turned off by default, because not every printer is compatible with the “Better printing” option)
For now, stable Internet connection is necessary to make the kitchen display work, however, you can still use the Elementary POS mobile cash register offline!